On Course South West Achieves Prestigious Matrix Standard Accreditation

On Course South West, Plymouth City Council’s adult learning provider is proud to announce its recent accreditation to the matrix Standard, the international quality framework for organisations delivering information, advice, and guidance (IAG) services. This achievement demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality career guidance and support to our learners. The matrix Standard was set up by the Department for Education and is recognised as the benchmark for excellence in IAG services.

Councillor Sally Cresswell, the Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships said, "Achieving the matrix Standard is a testament to this team’s dedication to supporting learners in their career journeys. This accreditation assures our community that they can rely on Plymouth's largest, dedicated provider of adult education for expert guidance as they navigate their educational and professional paths.”

For our learners, this accreditation means:
• Access to high-quality, impartial career advice and guidance
• Support from well-trained and knowledgeable staff
• A service that is continually improving to meet our learner’s needs

Roger Chapman, Head of the matrix Service for The Growth Company said: “This is a fantastic achievement for On Course South West and I would like to congratulate the team on their success. We believe that at the heart of high-quality advice and support services are strong leadership, excellent service, and a focus on continuous improvement, all underpinned by effective use of the resources available. The matrix Standard is designed to benchmark organisations against best practice in these areas. With their accreditation success, OCSW is working to provide the best possible support to their clients.”

Commenting on the award given, Kevin Smith, Matrix Assessor said: “The service succeeds at creating a personal rapport across a truly diverse range of individuals, who each have their own reasons for engaging. The people working for OCSW implicitly understand this motivation, providing the warmth, and welcome that is the foundation for trust on which guidance is based.”

We invite current and prospective learners to take advantage of our matrix-accredited IAG services to support their career development and lifelong learning goals. For more information about our courses and the matrix Standard accreditation, please visit www.oncoursesouthwest.co.uk

To book an appointment with one of our learning advisors, please email info@oncoursesouthwest.co.uk or call 01752 660713.

For more information about the matrix Standard please visit www.matrixStandard.com.

For more information, please contact info@oncoursesouthwest.co.uk

About the matrix Standard

• The matrix Standard is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG). Either as their sole purpose or as part of their service offering.

• Any organisation which manages, administers, and delivers an information, advice and/or guidance service to support individuals in their choice of career, learning, work, or life goals can become accredited to the matrix Standard. It does not matter whether the service or services are delivered face-to-face, through training, learning, remotely, or through a website.

• Organisations that have benefited from working with the Standard include Training Providers, Universities, Further/ Higher Education Colleges, Schools and Academies, Sole Traders, Next Step Providers, Voluntary and Community Organisations and Private Businesses.


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