2023/24 Courses now available!
On Course South West’s 2023/24 courses are now available!
We have plenty of new and exciting courses to suit you! Come and learn with us and see where we can take you. Whether you want to study for a qualification or simply learn a new hobby and make new friends we have the course to suit you.
Functional Skills
Do you want to improve your English and Maths skills? Why not try Functional Skills. Functional skills qualifications are a great alternative to the GCSE route with the flexibility of being able to sit exams at multiple points across the year. A Learning Advisor will book your initial assessment, this will help you to see what your skills level is and then you will have a chat with a Tutor to find out which course would best suit you!
Don’t keep putting it off, see how we can help you. Click here for more information.
Sign up now to get your GCSE’s! Here at On Course South West we are excited to deliver GCSE courses starting in September 2023 with exam sittings in summer 2024. Benefits of learning with us include:
- All classes will be in the evenings
- Learning alongside other adult learners
- One year courses
We are running GCSE’s in:
- Maths
- English Language
- Double Science
- Biology
Don’t be afraid to get back in to learning. Click here for more information
Access to Higher Education
Want to go to University but don’t have the right qualification to apply? On Course South west are excited to announce that we are now providing an alternative route to Higher Education by completing an e-learning course. We are running online Access to HE courses which will work around your schedule and enable you to develop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed at University.
See what Access courses we have to offer here
Want to study but need something to fit around you? Why not try one of our e-learning courses! We have various qualifications that are exclusively delivered via an online learning, self-study programme. These courses include:
- Business Administration Level 2 Certificate
- Caring for Children and Young People L2
- Counselling Skills L2
- Customer Service L2……And many more! Click here for more information
….And many more!
We also have courses in:
- Digital Skills
- Foreign Languages
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Creative Skills